Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Running Blog #31: 5K RUNNER on PAA TIBAYAN

I chance upon the site of Mukhang Guilty
There I got my BOTAK Race result last May 10, 2009.
I was a little disappointed. I know my watch was low bat at that time but then does it affect the memory of my watch?

Is my garmin inaccurate?

I recorded 32:39 in their time vs my watch says I did 31:31, and stopped it at the water station. Wow! A difference of 1 min and 8 sec is quite big.

Nevertheless, it's just numbers... besides my personal record says my 5K time ranges from 26 min to 40 minutes- both Garmin and Botak is in the average....I decided not to bloat my disappointment because anyway running 5K is simpler and maybe easier compared to those who were in the 21 & 42K category -but I do understand the outrage of the elite runners- who have prepared for this event and awaited for this marathon, who expect to get an accurate measurement of their time.

I just hope that the organizers and responsible entities of the race will provide due explanation to the running community.

Here are some of my pix during the race courtesy of moranophotography.

Someday! I hope to run in this category- full marathon ;-)
This is something I look forward, keeps me motivated during practice run.


  1. Hi! Whatever the time, you still deserve a good pat on the back! Congrats! Hope to meet you in a future race. Thanks for dropping by my blog :)

  2. good luck for the new race
    work hard and u gonna be a champion
