Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Running Blog #42: This is cheesy.....Bday run 2

I took a day off today...yep I swapped Monday off with Wednesday.
I wanted to dedicate the whole day with my TJ because it is her 5th birthday.
I think I made her day great! Just like other hopeful moms- I wanted her birthday filled with surprises and without so much expense hehehe.

So this morning before she wakes up- I sneaked outside for my practice run.
Actually this year my theme is to dedicate a run with a birthday celebrant closest to my heart.
I started it out with my birthday though it was supposed to be celebrated with Mizuno infinity (sigh! it reminds me again that I did not show up)....but instead it became a long run in island cove.
My original plan is run 10K but I realized that my training plan said I run 6K. Actually I skipped run monday and tuesday because of the usual reasons- I woke up late and there were heavy rains after office....and running is almost impossible (this and other hassle makes me think about buying a treadmill sigh!)
My practice run this morning is relatively easy pace but after checking my heart rate with garmin I realized I was averaging 89% of my max heart rate. Wow and I didn't even feel some level of discomfort....actually I know I can run some more- but I have to discipline myself by sticking to the recommended training plan- courtesy of Runnersworld smartcoach.
I still don't know if this is the right strategy.
And I am not sure if my run this morning is their so called tempo run.
Hmmm....I am not inclined to be scientific with my running like the BR guy but then I think he's got the point- specially if you want to attain certain goal.
I still don't know if I am hibernating as a recreational runner to a serious runner.
If that is the case, I realized I needed to do tempo runs and speedwork- I need to incorporate this training plan to be able to make it to half marathon before the year ends and run at least sub 2:30 on the next MILO elimination (hopefully next year) and this is my new goal. The full marathon is still beyond my imagination.
So why did I come up with this target?
Because when I entered my performance last sunday in runnersworld smartcoach- I realized that a 16 week training would yield only a 2:34 race time- which is 4 minutes slower than the curfew for 21K of MILO. I admit I am not that competitive but I wanted to finish with dignity....I don't want to just cause traffic with the other runners hehehe. Maybe I have a wrong kind of thinking....excuse me....but I guess that is how I am day this is actually keeping my mind busy while running....the music is too mushy- hehehe didn't get a chance to change the music of my pod.

When I got home my little princess is already taking her breakfast and I told her that I celebrated her birthday in my practice run today. She find it different and it excites her....the twinkle in her eyes didn't escape at all. I know she was delighted....I am sure it could have been better if were running together. Unfortunately, I just sneaked out and I know it would be difficult for her to wake up early.

So instead I told her that I made sure I run 5K hehehe for her 5th birthday and the 1.5k was my warm up/cool down- she was delighted about it....and wanted again to run with me over the weekend.
My kids have already developed interest in running =) and I really look forward that we race together.....

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