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I first saw this
airclimber equipment from my mother. My mom is currently on a mission to lose weight and be fit. I guess the hospitalization that happened a year ago traumatized her- making her swear to live healthy.
The airclimber is actually a stepper- as you see on the photo it has two pedals, you fill it with air (the plastic component beneath the pedal) and in a few seconds you have an exercise equipment. It comes along with a resistance band that you could use for arms/back workout and a DVD exercise program led by Brenda DyGraf.
When I first saw it. I was wondering if it's a good alternative for a treadmill. You see, I cannot afford to buy it....even the manual version. It's just expensive and occupies ample of space. I swear that this year, I'll be as frugal and minimalist. And anything that will not add value to me nor I have doubts of functionality- I am not buying nor will it ever occupy space in our small abode.
But by just looking at it, I have serious doubt if it will work up a muscle. Hmmm...so I gave it a try. Set the resistance dial to the highest level 5 (well, honestly I feel that maybe working on it is peanuts eh!) and try the "Super 7-pump" program....the video is very motivating, you see guys and gals displaying their ripped abs while using the equipment. The exercise video is complete, it will assist you from warm-up through cool down.
As I progressed with my workout, I realized that piece of equipment had my muscle working so hard...maybe I have underestimated the resistance dial. The exercise video is also simple to follow...you see I am not good in dancing, so aerobic exercise is really not a very welcoming idea....but Brenda DyGraf routine takes only awhile to follow. :D not bad eh!
I was literally sweating like a pig after the 20 minutes of workout. The super 7 pump exercise program helps me exercise my biceps, triceps, back, lats, abs, glutes, and calf.
Of course after that rigorous exercise and even if I was a little convince- I did not buy.
The price is 3750 pesos in SM Naga. I am not sure if it's practical to buy it.
We went back to Cavite and for quite awhile, the AirClimber- was left to oblivion.
Then, sometime July in one of our regular visit to the kids' pedia in Makita Med - we happened to drop by Landmark. And we saw the AirClimber sold at 2500 pesos (1000 off eh!).
Then I started to ask if this piece of equipment is indeed a good cross training equipment for runners?
My husband (who feels guilty for not accompanying me on my weekend runs) encourage me to buy it.
In other words we leave Landmark with that piece of equipment.
I have already tried all the exercise program in the DVD and my favorite is the Super 7-Pump, Abs Airtight, Burn & Firm.
I was hooked for three weeks.
Afterwards, the ripped abs on video- doesn't excite me anymore.
Even the idea of the Rexona Run didn't ignite my interest to go on training.
Come race day- I lasted 2:45 to finish the 21km race.
Weeks past, there were lots of "major-major" reason why I can't train- Yaya gone away, heavy traffic along Governor's drive (due to endless road construction) etc....etc....So after so much contemplation I went back to Air Climber two weeks ago at 2x a week interval.
This time, I combined the Abs Airtight and Burn & Firm in one session- giving me a helluva workout of 30 mins...almost equivalent to 5K or less running time....I feel better but have adjusted the resistance dial to level 3 and 5 from time to time (LOL!).
Overall, the AirClimber is simple workout- it will make you sweat, burn calorie, work on your muscle (if you will follow the correct form). It will perhaps help lose weight (as I noticed from my Mom's progress).
As for me, it probably helped maintain my weight- so even if I haven't been running for awhile nothing changed.
However, it did not increase my appetite compared when I am running outdoors.
My conclusion is the AirClimber cannot replace the needed training of a runner.....a runner's workout is to run. And as much as possible- run outside.
Though, it can provide an alternative light to moderate cross training workout (even if the resistance dial is set to level 5), priced at 2500 pesos- I guess this will be a good piece of equipment....one just need tons of courage and discipline to do the workout- over and over and over and over again!
P.S. This piece will bore experienced fitness enthusiast. This is highly recommended for beginners (like my mom hehehe).