Great morning! Great Run!
Timex Run is one of the best race I had so far.
I have no complaint.....maybe except for the fact that I never got a solo pix with Piolo (LOL!).
The water station is longer this time (compared to the previous races) and 100 plus is indeed a plus!
I actually stopped on almost all the water station and had no problem grabbing one.
It was also pretty exciting that at the last water station there were sexy ladies cheering and giving high fives -well why not so I high five with them too! I guess its not only the guy runner that they intend to hi-five LOL!
The weather is great! I had fun running and had not stopped in any point of Buendia flyover....sounds like a great improvement for me. But in reality, I can't stop because my calf muscle is painful- I had a severe cramps yesterday afternoon while resting after I did some calf muscle massage in my foam roller. It was like a jolt and I felt some contractions in my right lower leg (calf to be exact)....Timex run immediately entered my mind- I was even thinking of quitting maybe a DNS as option....but who can I resist the idea of running and chasing Piolo LOL!
So what I did yesterday is to ice my calf muscle, elevate it for 30 minutes and have some walking at the nearby mall LOL! When I got back home I had loads of banana and one tablet of glucosamine chondroitin. Before bed time I even tried PACMAN's Alaxan FR (nagkapilipilit na muscle lang yan LOL!).
When I woke up this morning- I had a stinging muscle....I was praying so hard that it will not stucked. I had a MILO energy bar, one banana, half wheat bread with peanut butter and sip of gatorade- then I had two glasses of water. We arrived at the fort having a full stomach feeling....this makes me think again of possible side stitch and waaaah the dreaded calf cramps......but I try to be positive by thinking aboutPapa P LOL and the idea of fun run with my friends Kathy and Benet. When I checked in the starting line I tried looking around for Benet and Kathy- this run was supposed to be our trio run or birthday run2....months back we planned to run this race with Kathy who just got back from Singapore...and she happens to be my original running buddy in GBP.
But there is just about 4000 runners to scan faces with. So...after going back and forth and bumping from runners of familiar faces I decided to stop my search operation and proceeded just in front of the stage....still looking around but not succesful enough to find my friends- well I left my phone so I have no other means but to check on faces. Sigh! Why didn't I SMS them last night....waaaah! I was so busy trying to neutralize my painful calf.
Then came the gunstart. Luckily I have not feel any pains even if I have not stretched enough. Then at crusin speed- all the pain is gone. I attacked buendia flyover with my baby steps....I do not intend to walk. Along the flyover I saw Ani de Leon- the ironwoman, high five with Randy, chanced upon Christy and had a short talk, then at Gil Puyat.....there.....I saw Papa P - I gave him a wave and he return back a handsome thought I'm gonna faint right there on my track LOL!
Then next stop is another water station before the U-turn and after few more steps I got another water and 100 plus. Going back to the flyover was a little bit of challenge. Uphill would mean more stress on my calf muscles but luckily I did not stop on my way back to the stretch of buendia flyover....guess what? I actually stopped and had walk breaks at Km 9- huhuhu I can't resist the idea of stopping and checking why my calf won't cramps even if my feet starts having needle pricking sensation. I checked on garmin and it's almost 1:00+....I decided to pick up myself and started running again on my most possible top speed- yet I can't managed to gain more speed....I almost quit and almost try another walk break but the sight of the finishline tells me I am almost there. I did a sprint and my final glance at the time is 1:03:55. Whoa!...I have broken my personal record. And did I even hear my name mentioned by the host as I reached the finishline?
After the run I looked around for water- but what I found is the tent for 10K lootbags- without the! isn't it great. Then I wander around and fall in line again to the photovendo it was just 6:48 AM- it was really cool because you get a printed copy of your finish line pix- something to post in my cube.
I'd say that the timex run is one of the best organized run by Coach Rio.
I didn't found my friend. I did not even chance upon them at the U turn.
After roaming around, having my pix and almost stalking Papa P LOL! When he passed right in front of me while I was striking a pose for my souvenir pix (see photo below- how hubby captured me screaming LOL!) and a lot of people flocked on him. My hubby thought Papa P was sticky because I got lost when he passed by LOL!
I have to be contented with this pix- double Papa P
At the parking lot, I learned that Benet was sick and as for Kathy well...she made it but I learned about it when I was already home =(
Today is my scheduled long run based on my training plan I am still right on track.
Wow! 1:03:55 Joy?? Double WOW!! Congratulations my dear. It was a perfect run for you. How I wish I was there to experience the best race ever.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nora! Yes it was a perfect run when I lest expected. D bale may runrio trilogy pa naman- I am sure Coach Rio will staged maybe far better than the Timex Run. So are we gonna see each other at the NB?