Since my passage to womanhood- menstruation process was never an easy experience.
I remember, my menarchy was very traumatic....I thought, I'm gonna die with the blood stains am getting from that very sensitive part.
I hated it...having periods. Maybe the inconvenience brought about by the whole new experience of becoming a woman and my irritation to this supposedly monthly visits my system was psyche to have the period on a quarterly basis. When I was young, I was proud about it....because there is no hassle..... But then later in life, I discovered it was unhealthy for my reproductive system. Not to mention, I had difficulty conceiving children and the costs of health related consultation and medication to this unending quest of having a menstruation regularized.
On my 30th birthday, I decided to put an end to this struggle.
I know how to combat the never ending stress of menstrual period- and that is also what the doctor has been telling me...."Live an active lifestyle"- it promises to solve everything.
I started with yoga then running then mountaineering then variety.....of activities that will test the sheer strength of my body.
For more than a year now, I am into running (with very few races on the list) and mountaineering (with very few mountains conquered).
I thought, the grim experience of PMS and menstrual disorder is a thing of the past.
This morning I woke up with the symptoms of the same problem.... dysmenorrhea. It was so painful, I thought I passed out this morning several times.
I didn't make it to work. I am so unproductive.
Now, I am contemplating....have I been relaxing from my work out??? I guess this the rootcause? Am I being reminded to work harder?
Sigh! Let me see....maybe I'll train harder....I'll start all over again.
My 6 months data point (where no signs of PMS) tells me that the key is training- monthly climb, 3X a week running, 2X a week visit to the gym and yoga -3x a week.
Maybe it's time to reinvest on the same program. Just thinking about it --> I suddenly felt tired with my present condition. =( hmmmm
While contemplating here are some of the photo collage I had:

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