Yesterday Man and I decided to bring along the kids on my "Happy Run" race.
I have no idea if there will be inflatables (like the UNICEF's fun run). But we just bet on it.
In my mind, since it's gonna have a good race director...so perhaps there'll be a lot to see that maybe the kids will enjoy.
Here comes race day.
This morning I wasn't able to wake up again when my phone alarmed.
I was dreaming.....and it was a very bad dream.
- I received a text message that our company will be totally closed/shutdown (like Intel).....you could imagine my heartbeat then I replied back to the texter, then I received again another message then I opened it it was from Macho man "On d way na kmi"....still I couldn't grasp the connection. Then I realized, it was the race day! Nyahahahaha so our company's total closure wasn't true....it was just a dream! nyahahahahaha...my dream almost got me huh! It took sometime before I realized the race' gonna start in 2 hrs. I was in a haste...I shook Man whose feelin' a little lazy.....waaaaa! I want to run- plssss!
So Man woke up the kids who were so grumpy (of course it was 4:15AM- who wouldn't be).
I immediately took a bath and had a slice of pizza. Pizza??? Yes, pizza from Piadina (leftover from last night's carbo overload).
We were speeding to leave because we were supposed to meet Macho man & Team, some were supposed to transfer to our car to just leave enough breathing room from the chocolate man's car with seven warm blooded passenger. But Alas! I left my race bib so we have to go back again....then came Bopek text that they were all set to go....I replied we were near then they agreed to meet at Bacoor's police station. But the addicts refused to transfer to us....they wanted to be closed together in the chocolate man's car to warm them up nyahahahaha.....maybe it wasn't really a sedan it was a van afterall!
It took us 30 minutes to get to the venue. As usual I have to find the portalet immediately to empty my bladder. I was surprised that there weren't long lines....thanks to the organizer for providing three portalets for women.
The race started as scheduled 15K gunstarted at 5:45 AM- this is the race of the chocolate man and sforty. Our 5K race gunstarted at 5:55AM- The ADTREK team was composed of myself, Bopek, Macho man, Palutz, Shine, Red, Pula, Mike, Avebebe and Ais. We bumped into other ADI runner's like Carly, Roel, Mario and the others.
When we started running, I find it very difficult. I don't know if it is because of excitement or it was cold (I regretted not wearing my tights) or because I hadn't warmed up or because of my medication, bottomline I was uncomfortable. But then I have to run faster, I needed to prove that I am better every race because if I didn't improved by 6 minutes then I have to upgrade to a longer race (10K nyay! scared!).
During my run I could still taste the pizza flavor in my throat- why did it linger there? Then suddenly I feel my legs cramped at halfway....then I stopped I took brisk walking then run again. My last 2 Km was an agony, I was trying to calm my body to ensure that I won't cramp uncontrollably. I was even looking around for ambulance-but then it wasn't there.....I walk and run alternately on my last 1 Km and I thought it was the longest 1 km of my life. Then I saw the finish line, I was even a little surpise the time was 29:31 (see official result for 5K Female for the over all results click here).
Post race was fun- there were lots of freebies like fruits (I had banana for my cramps), there was krispy kreme doughnut and coffee, but what I liked most is the muscle tape- which is timely for my cramped leg. The muscle tape must stay on my skin for 3-5 days. I had my right leg and knee taped- and it's pink! I also learned that the kids got a chance to mingle with optimus prime (mascot), the dragon dancers and of course they were able to get to know my Adtrek friends. Blimey! No inflatables....but anyways, MNM managed with the help of Karen.We were at the parking lot and almost were recovered when Sforty and chocolate man returned from their 15K race....took some pix and then we went off separate ways.
My family and I went to Jollibee at the 32nd street, I guess sforty went home and the Adtrek guys and gals went to market!market! for breakfast.Yes! A hearty breakfast after the race cap it off.
Here are the shots from MNMs D40.
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